man in a wheelchair

Our Massachusetts SSDI Lawyers Can Bolster Your Claim and Help You Secure the Disability Benefits You Need

The letter arrives, and your heart sinks. It’s another denial from the Social Security Administration (SSA). You did the best you could, detailing your disability and its impact on your life, yet it seems to fall on deaf ears. The frustration builds as you wonder what more you could have done to make them understand. Would the SSA have taken your application more seriously if you had legal help? This is where the guidance of an experienced SSDI lawyer can make all the difference.

The Harsh Reality of SSDI Application Success Rates

Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) can feel like an uphill battle. Even when you have a qualifying condition, securing benefits is far from guaranteed. The statistics paint a sobering picture.

  • Initial denials. The SSA rejects as many as 70 percent of SSDI applicants in the first stage of its five-stage evaluation process.
  • Appeal challenges. Many applicants who appeal their denials still struggle to overturn the initial decision.
  • Time-consuming process. The journey from application to approval can stretch for months or even years.
  • Complex requirements. The SSA's strict criteria for disability can be confusing and overwhelming for many applicants.

A knowledgeable ally in your corner is invaluable in overcoming these obstacles. A Massachusetts disability lawyer can help you better understand this system, avoid common pitfalls, and put your best foot forward with the SSA. 

What You Need to Qualify for SSDI Benefits

Before discussing how an attorney can help, it's crucial to understand the basic SSDI eligibility requirements.

  • Work credits. You must have earned enough work credits through your employment history.
  • Recent work. A portion of these credits must be from recent years, depending on your age.
  • Severe impairment. Your medical condition must significantly limit your ability to perform basic work activities.
  • Duration requirement. The impairment must have lasted or be expected to last for at least one year or result in death.
  • Inability to work. You must be unable to perform your previous job or adjust to other work due to your medical condition.

Proving these criteria to the SSA's satisfaction is where many SSDI applicants often struggle. An experienced lawyer can offer keen insight into what the SSA wants to see in a successful application. 

How an SSDI Lawyer Signals a Strong Case to the SSA

When you hire a disability lawyer to help with your claim, you send a clear message to the Social Security Administration.

  • Serious commitment. The SSA recognizes that attorneys carefully select cases they believe have merit.
  • Compelling evidence. Lawyers help gather and present persuasive medical evidence that supports your claim.
  • Legal knowledge. Your attorney's knowledge of SSDI laws and regulations can strengthen your application.
  • Professional presentation. A well-prepared case by a lawyer is often more comprehensive and properly formatted.

Legal representation indicates to the SSA that your case warrants careful consideration. According to a study by the US Government Accountability Office, people who apply for benefits with an attorney improve their chances of approval by as much as three times. 

The Comprehensive Support of an SSDI Lawyer Throughout the Process

An experienced SSDI lawyer provides invaluable assistance at every stage of the application process. The SSA may take your application more seriously from the start because of this added guidance and professional presentation.

  • Initial application. Your attorney can ensure all forms are correctly filled out and submitted with supporting documentation.
  • Evidence gathering. Your lawyer will collect and organize medical records, work history, and other crucial evidence.
  • Communication with SSA. Your lawyer will handle correspondence and inquiries from the Social Security Administration on your behalf.
  • Hearing preparation. If your case goes to a hearing, your lawyer will prepare you and present your case effectively.
  • Appeals. Should your initial application be denied, your attorney will guide you through the appeals process.

Your Trusted Partner in Securing SSDI Benefits

At Keefe Disability Law, we understand the challenges you face when applying for SSDI benefits in Massachusetts. Our proven track record speaks for itself:

  • Specialized experience. Our firm is focused solely on serving clients with a range of disabilities, helping them to secure SSDI benefits.
  • Personalized approach. We tailor our strategy to your unique situation, ensuring the strongest possible case.
  • Thorough preparation. Our team meticulously prepares every aspect of your application or appeal.
  • Ongoing support. We stand by you throughout the entire process, from initial application to final resolution.

Don't let the overwhelming nature of SSDI applications discourage you from seeking the benefits you deserve. With Keefe Disability Law in your corner, you can approach the SSA with confidence, knowing your application will receive the serious consideration it merits.

Patrick Hartwig
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Managing Attorney, Keefe Disability Law