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Boston Disability Lawyer Explores When COVID-19 Leads to POTS and How SSDI Can Provide Financial Relief

The world has been grappling with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020. For some, the battle continues long after the initial infection subsides. Even after initial recovery, you might feel quite right. Your heart may race when you stand up, you may experience vertigo, and you feel weighed down by chronic fatigue. These symptoms could be signs of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), a condition that's increasingly common among people who’ve had COVID-19.

If this describes your situation, you may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). With the help of an experienced disability lawyer, you can apply for monthly benefit payments from the Social Security Administration (SSA), alleviating the financial burden caused by your inability to continue working.

The Growing Concern of COVID-Induced POTS

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome is a form of dysautonomia that affects the body's autonomic nervous system. While POTS existed before the pandemic, the link between COVID-19 and POTS is becoming increasingly apparent. 

A study published in Heart Rhythm in 2022 reported that as many as 14% of COVID-19 survivors develop POTS, and up to 61% experience POTS-like symptoms. As a result, thousands of American workers are left grappling with this debilitating condition.

The Debilitating Symptoms of POTS Go Beyond Dizziness

The range of POTS symptoms can make it difficult, if not impossible, to maintain regular employment. 

Tachycardia Upon Standing

The defining characteristic of POTS is a rapid increase in heart rate when standing up from a reclined position. This isn't just uncomfortable; it can be downright frightening. Your heart rate may increase by 30 beats per minute or more within 10 minutes of standing. You may also experience heart palpitations, a sensation that can be both distracting and anxiety-inducing.

Vertigo, Dizziness, and Lightheadedness

People with POTS may feel like the world is unstable beneath their feet. They may feel like they’re about to faint, especially when standing up quickly. They may also experience the spinning sensation of vertigo, making it challenging to maintain balance or focus on tasks.

Chronic Fatigue and Weakness

POTS can leave you feeling as if your body's battery is perpetually low. Chronic fatigue strikes like a bone-deep exhaustion that doesn't improve with rest. POTS sufferers also experience muscle weakness, making simple tasks like climbing stairs or carrying groceries feel like monumental feats.

Mental Fog and Cognitive Difficulties

POTS doesn't just affect your body; it can cloud your mind as well. Brain fog may make it hard to concentrate on tasks. You may also find yourself forgetting simple things or having difficulty finding the right words. Expressing yourself clearly becomes a challenge. 

The Digestive Distress of Gastrointestinal Issues

POTS can wreak havoc on your digestive system, adding another layer of discomfort. Symptoms of nausea, like feeling queasy after eating, are common. Some individuals with POTS experience cramping or discomfort in their abdomen.

Shortness of Breath

Breathing, typically an unconscious act, can become a conscious struggle for those with POTS. Dyspnea refers to feeling short of breath, especially when engaging in physical activity or even at rest. Some individuals may hyperventilate with rapid, shallow breathing.

Temperature Regulation Issues

POTS can affect your body's ability to tolerate heat and regulate temperature effectively. You might find yourself feeling overheated or flushed, even in mild temperatures. This can lead to hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, particularly in the hands and feet.

Insomnia and Sleep Disturbances

POTS can significantly impact your ability to get restful sleep. Falling asleep or staying asleep can be challenging. Even when you do sleep, you might wake up feeling as if you haven't rested at all.

Mental and Emotional Health

The chronic nature of POTS symptoms can take a toll on mental health. The unpredictability of symptoms can lead to heightened anxiety, especially in social situations. Depression is also common, as coping with a chronic condition can lead to feelings of hopelessness or sadness.

When POTS Impacts Your Ability to Work

Consider Sarah, a 35-year-old software developer who contracted COVID-19 in 2021. After recovering from the initial infection, she found herself struggling with severe fatigue and dizziness. Standing at her desk became an ordeal, and the brain fog made coding nearly impossible. Despite her best efforts, Sarah's productivity plummeted, and she was forced to take an extended leave of absence.

Or think about Hank, a 50-year-old construction worker who prided himself on his physical strength and stamina. After developing POTS following a bout of COVID-19, he was unable to climb scaffolding or lift heavy materials without severe tachycardia and lightheadedness. His decades of experience in construction suddenly seemed irrelevant in light of his new physical limitations.

These hypothetical scenarios highlight how POTS can dramatically impact someone’s very real ability to engage in substantial gainful employment, regardless of age or work history. For individuals like Sarah and Hank, seeking Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can become a necessity.

Qualifying for SSDI with COVID-Induced POTS

While the Social Security Administration (SSA) doesn't have a specific listing for POTS, individuals with this condition may still qualify for SSDI benefits. The key is demonstrating how POTS symptoms prevent you from engaging in substantial gainful activity. To qualify for SSDI with POTS, you'll need to prove that:

  • Your condition is severe enough to significantly limit your ability to perform basic work activities.
  • Your condition has lasted or is expected to last for at least 12 months.
  • You are unable to perform your past work or any other type of work, given your age, education, and work experience.

Building a Strong Case With Medical Evidence for POTS 

When applying for SSDI, you need to provide comprehensive medical evidence from acceptable sources. This may include:

  • Medical records documenting your COVID-19 diagnosis and subsequent development of POTS symptoms
  • Results from tilt table tests or other autonomic function tests
  • Detailed notes from your treating physicians about your symptoms and limitations
  • Results from any cognitive function tests, if you experience brain fog or concentration issues
  • Documentation of treatments attempted and their effectiveness

For example, a cardiologist's report detailing how your heart rate increases upon standing, along with a neurologist's notes on your cognitive impairments, can provide a more complete picture of how POTS affects your daily functioning.

Managing the SSDI Application Process With Skilled Legal Guidance

Applying for SSDI can be especially hard when dealing with a condition like COVID-induced POTS that may not be widely understood. The experience and insight of a Massachusetts SSDI lawyer are invaluable.

At Keefe Disability Law, we understand the challenges you're facing. Our team of experienced Boston disability lawyers is well-versed in the intricacies of SSDI applications, particularly for health conditions that may not fit neatly into the SSA's Blue Book listings.

We can help you:

  • Gather and organize the necessary medical evidence
  • Complete your application accurately and thoroughly
  • Prepare for any necessary interviews or hearings
  • Appeal a denial if your initial application is not approved

Take the First Step Towards Financial Security

Living with COVID-induced POTS is challenging enough without the added stress of financial instability. If your condition prevents you from working, it's time to explore your options for SSDI benefits.

Don't let the detailed application process deter you from seeking the support you deserve. At Keefe Disability Law, we're committed to guiding you through every step of the application process. Our team of dedicated Massachusetts SSDI lawyers understands the unique challenges posed by conditions like POTS and will work tirelessly to build a strong case for you.

Patrick Hartwig
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Managing Attorney, Keefe Disability Law